5 Reasons to Drink this Water
1. It is alkaline! Disease cannot grow in an alkaline environment. It balances our body back to homeostasis. Something we have all experienced in this house.
2. It is micro-clustered! When the water travels through the machine it is electrified by 8 platinum plates. This process is called electrolysis. There is so much force and electricity going through the machine it changes the molecular structure of the water and makes the water molecules smaller.
If your cell was a chain link fence and you were trying to throw baseballs through the fence, maybe 1 of 10 would go through! However; if you threw golf balls through the chain link fence; you would get at least 8 or 9 or even all 10 of them through! This is key! This is the difference between regular water and micro clustered water! THIS IS WHY WE ARE ALL FEELING SO HYDRATED!
Have you noticed?
If you drink a large glass of tap, RO, or bottled water you feel bloated. It sits in the stomach. I have experienced this! Drinking ERW water you are getting cellular hydration! You won't feel bloated and uncomfortable because the water isn't going to sit in your stomach. It is going to be absorbed on a cellurar level! This is way different than any other water I have ever consumed!
3. ERW water has antioxidants. When it goes through the process of electrolysis it changes the molecular structure of the water and it also adds molecular hydrogen to the water. Molecular hydrogen is an antioxidant and it is extremely potent! Antioxidants reverse oxidization. We don't want oxidization. It causes aging. So we can reverse the oxidization process with antioxidants! Stay looking younger and keep your body functioning at its best!
4. It has the ability to wash of pesticides and herbicides off of your fruit and veggies. I don't know about you but, i personally don't want to consume poison. Using the 11.5 strong alkaline water, I realized just how much of that was on our food. Yes, we buy predominantly organic, so this was a shock. We always wash them in 11.5 now and the water turns yellow. That is oil from the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on food. They use oil because normal rain water won't wash off oil. Normal water won't remove this from your food, but the 11.5 ERW water strips the oil from pesticides.
5. It detoxifies and boosts immunity. Drinking ERW water is better than regular water because alkaline ions in it combines with acidic toxins in the blood, flushing out toxins which also boosts your immune system.